Tiancheng small commodity wholesaler market
1/22/2010At the first day of the new year,Tiancheng small commodity wholesaler market opened which is located in the business center of Lianyungang railway station.The wholesaler market has a total construction area of more than 20,000 square meters,at the fourth floor there is a total of nearly 600 shops, the products is positioned in the high and middle quality commodity wholesale.
There are various kinds of wholesaler products.At the first floor,a layer of jewelry, craft gifts, automotive supplies, flowers and festive supplies, cosmetic cleaning supplies, Xiao Baihuo Wholesale are supplied.The second floor is the women's, men's, tie, shirt wholesale,The third floor is the children's clothing, toys, and maternal and infant supplies, bedding, wholesale, the fourth floor are shoes, hats, bags, cultural and sports facilities, labor supplies wholesale.
Tiancheng small commodity wholesale market sets its own development goals, In three years it will play the leading part in small commodity wholesale market in the region result in Lianyungang .And at the same time it will be the center of high-grade commodities in northern Jiangsu Lunan distribution.
Tiancheng small commodity wholesale market will absorb the 3,000 jobs currently and the normal shops open for business are more than 500,which are mainly from Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong.There are some world-renowned brands just like Playboy, Paul, Long Sha, Josiny and so on.